couture 2020 video shot by faith ann media

The ladies of Texas A&M Alpha Chi Omega invite you to join us in the movement to bring hope and opportunity to victims of domestic violence during Alpha Chi Couture.
Alpha Chi Omega supports victims of domestic violence nationally. Alpha Chi Couture locally benefits Phoebe's Home and nationally benefits the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation.
We have been honored to support these organizations over 36 years.
This year Alpha Chi Couture will be hosted in-person at the Kyle Field Zone Club on November 5, 2021 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm. This event showcases local businesses and boutiques along with a silent auction that you won't want to miss!
2020 couture gallery
follow us on social media!
vice president of philanthropy
Sydney Wallach
models + retailers chair
Madison Sigmon
models + retailers co-chair
Morgan Masso
donations + silent auction chair
Alli Yates
donations + silent auction co-chairs
Grace Judice
Riley Ramirez
decorations chair
Ashley Cadena
decorations co-chair
Kaylynn Eddleman
public relations chairs
Walker Lynn Woods
Emma Buss
Summer Conkling
head couture chair
Lauren Maciariello
models + retailers comittee
Nina George
Faith Young
Kaitlyn Dube
Angelina Garza
Tory Geiser
Riley Mathis
Mary Hester
Kierston Val
Chloe Martin
Haylee Lemoine
Kaylee Barker
Kailey Biggs
Natalia Hernandez
Katie Dickerson
Samantha Williams
donations + silent auction comittee
Kasey Lopez
Emma Westerholm
Sydney Bell
Madison Harden
Sofia Al-Hennawi
Rachel Silvernail
Meredith Torres
Paityn Soucy
Maggie Rushing
Mia Weidenbach
Emma Grosser
Lexi Pikoff
decorations comittee
Hannah Grace Thompson
Rachel Doss
Emma Choi
Kamryn Goerlitz
Angelina Garza
Callie Fishbeck
Emma Griffin
Abby Hudgins
Ellie Hall
Samantha Brown
Darby Gobb
Bella Hanna
Allison Ronchetto
Alyssa Vanecek
Taeja Zubillaga
Abby Hudgins
public relations comittee
Peyton Smith
Natalie Rex
Sami Brown
Alexandria Wicker
Jenna Von Boeckmann
Jesse Thomsen
Veronica Lansford
Makensy Manbeck
Brooke Newby
Joley Plummer
Sienna Martinez
Meredith Pogue
Analynn Paraliticci
Allie Perkins